Reflections – 2018.04

A Year with Moses

We have finished our time together reflecting on I John and it is now time for a new series.  And a new challenge.  I would like us to read through the Old Testament together as a way of deepening our faith, of growing in our love for God, of seeing how the Lord interacts with His people.  We are going to take it slow.  I have developed a plan to preach through the Old Testament over four or five years, which should allow us to do this.  Here is the plan:

Year 1: A Year with Moses (Genesis – Deuteronomy)

Year 2: A Year of History (Joshua – Esther)

Year 3: A Year of Wisdom (Job – Song of Solomon)

Years 4/5: A Year (or Two) with the Prophets (Isaiah – Malachi)

So over the course of the first year (which will begin April 15th), your goal will be to read the first five books of the Bible.  Some of it will be easy to read, some of it more difficult, but you needn’t be in a hurry.

For my part, I will primarily be selecting texts in Moses’ writings that the New Testament authors reference as they speak of Christ and His Kingdom.  The goal will be for us to see together how the Bible is one story, centered in Christ, and that in order to understand the New Testament well, one needs to become acquainted with the Old Testament, remembering that it is these books that Jesus and the apostles believed, preached from, meditated on, and rejoiced in as the Word of God.

Here are some of the themes that we will consider during our year with Moses: origins, sin and death, the people of God, promise, freedom from slavery, the Law, sacrifice, living with one another, pilgrimage, wilderness, blessing and cursing, land and God’s presence with us.  There is so much in these first five books of the Bible.  Don’t miss out!  Plan on reading, being here weekly for worship, and spending time each week meditating on what you have read and heard.  May the Lord be glorified as we follow Him!